Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Walk #26: I Saw a Really Cool House with a Tower Across the Street from the Charles Storz House

Address: 1901 Wirt Street

Information: Charles Storz House

Lunch: Bento Box #10

Destination Review: This is another big, old house.

No, sorry, that’s another, much cooler house that I noticed across the street. The Storz House is much more prosaic, though it does have a great wraparound porch.

The Walk: I basically just got some photos of details of the house, and then walked around the block.

On my way back to the car, I was severely chastised by the local Neighborhood Watch captain.

So I had lunch in my car.

The Lunch: I made the waffle grilled cheese with frozen waffles, since I don’t have a waffle iron. It tasted somewhat odd. I guess that makes me a picky eater. Ranch dressing made the broccoli better. Triscuit crackers were OK. Blackberries were blackberries. And chocolate chips definitely made the banana better.

Lunch Ingredient Deals:

Banana: A That’s Smart Banana was 23¢ at Hy-Vee.

Broccoli: $1.08 at Fresh Thyme minus a 30¢ Allrecipes rebate = 78¢

Art Project: Embellished Frame

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Walk #26: I Saw a Really Cool House with a Tower Across the Street from the Charles Storz House

Address: 1901 Wirt Street Information: Charles Storz House Lunch: Bento Box #10 Destination Review: This is another big, old house. ...